Noun: tutorial-3: singular and plural noun

The countable Nouns can have two forms: singular and plural based on their number. When one person or thing is spoken of , the noun is singular and when more than person or thing is spoken of ,the noun is plural.  Singular nouns can be made plural by adding an ‘s’, ‘es’, ‘ies’ and ‘ves’; while, in some cases, the plural form of the noun is indicated by a change in its spelling. There are also nouns that remain unchanged, both in the singular and plural forms. Go through the lists of singular and plural words given in the article to understand how they are formed.

A singular noun refers to just one person, place, thing, or idea. Here are some examples of singular nouns that are easy for kids to understand:

  1. Person:
    • girl
    • teacher
    • friend
  2. Place:
    • school
    • park
    • zoo
  3. Thing:
    • cat
    • ball
    • book
  4. Idea:
    • happiness
    • kindness
    • love

A plural noun refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Here are some examples of plural nouns:

  1. People: teachers, students, doctors
    • Example: The teachers collaborated on the project.
  2. Places: cities, parks, schools
    • Example: We explored several parks during our vacation.
  3. Things: books, cats, cars
    • Example: The cats played with their toys.
  4. Ideas: loves, courages, happinesses
    • Example: Many cultures have different perspectives on happiness.

The plural of noun is generally formed by adding -s to the singulars:

cat cats
dog dogs
book books
pen pens
dog dogs
king kings

If a noun ends in -s, -x, -z, -ch, or -sh, form the plural by adding -es to the singular:

bus buses
box boxes
buzz buzzes
beach beaches
dish dishes
church churches
brush brushes
class classes
dish dishes

For nouns ending in -y after a consonant, add-es

baby babies
city cities
candy candies
army armies
body bodies
fly flies
story stories
duty duties
copy copies

If a noun ends in -y after a vowel, just add -s:

toy toys
boy →boys
key keys
day days
donkey donkeys
monkey monkeys

For nouns ending in -f or -fe, change -f or -fe to -ves:

leaf leaves
wolf wolves
knife knives
calf calves
half halves
life lives
leaf leaves
wife wives
self selves

Noun ending in -o having a consonant before it, take -es to form plural:

hero heroes
zero zeros
mango mangoes
potato potatoes
mosquito mosquitoes

Noun ending in -o having a vowel before it, take -s to form the plural:

bamboo bamboos
radio radios
studio studios
Worksheet 1: Singular and Plural Nouns

Part 1: Identify the Singular Noun

  1. Circle the singular noun in each set of words.
    • Example: cats, cat
      1. dogs, dog
      1. books, book
      1. horses, horse
      1. mice, mouse
      1. apples, apple

Part 2: Identify the Plural Noun 2. Circle the plural noun in each set of words.

  • Example: kitten, kittens
    1. bird, birds
    1. car, cars
    1. tree, trees
    1. friend, friends
    1. flower, flowers

Part 3: Fill in the Blank 3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the noun (singular or plural).

  • Example: The __________ is sleeping. (cat)
    1. The __________ are swimming. (fish)
    1. She has three __________. (child)
    1. I see five __________ in the garden. (butterfly)
    1. The __________ is on the shelf. (book)
    1. We have two __________ in our backyard. (tree)


  1. dog, 2. book, 3. horse, 4. mouse, 5. apple

Worksheet 2: Singular and Plural Nouns

Part 1: Choose the Correct Noun

  1. Choose the correct noun (singular or plural) to complete each sentence.
    • Example: There is a __________ in the sky. (cloud/clouds)
      1. My sister has two __________. (cat/cats)
      1. The __________ is playing in the garden. (child/children)
      1. We need five __________ for the recipe. (egg/eggs)
      1. The __________ are chirping in the morning. (bird/birds)
      1. A __________ is a large, wild animal. (lion/lions)

Part 2: Match the Singular and Plural Nouns

2. Match the singular noun on the left with its correct plural form on the right.

  • Example: cat – __________
    1. dog – __________
    1. tree – __________
    1. book – __________
    1. mouse – __________
    1. butterfly – __________

Part 3: Create Your Sentences 3. Use each pair of singular and plural nouns from Part 2 in sentences.

  • Example: The cat is sleeping. The cats are playing.


  1. cats, 2. children, 3. eggs, 4. birds, 5. lions

Worksheet 3: Singular and Plural Nouns

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